a blog to gather our notes-on-the-go, worklogs, pics, audio,... from the work in progress on Songbook. Songbook is a project with Eric Thielemans' EARR, an art ensemble with Claron Mc Fadden (vc), Jorgen Cassier (vc), Jean-Yves Evrard (guit), Peter Jacquemyn (cntrbs), Hilary Jeffery (trmbn), Jozef Dumoulin (pn, keys) and Eric Thielemans (dr & prc). special guests for Songbook are Elke Van Campenhout (prf theoretician), Ilan Manouach (comic artist) and Geerdt Magiels (biologist, science philosopher).

Monday, May 16, 2011

body and soul

a random variation on ecology and eric's cosmology
Bifo Berardi (The Soul at Work):
the soul is the 'clinamen' of the body. it is how it falls, and what makes it fall with other bodies. the soul is gravity. this tendency for certain bodies to fall in with others is what constitutes a world. the materialist tradition represented by epicurus and lucretius proposed a worldless time in which bodies rain down through the plumbless void, straight down and side-by-side, until a sudden, unpredictable deviation or swerve - clinamen - leans bodies towards one another, so they come together in a lasting way. the soul does not lie beneath the skin. it is the angle of this swerve and what then holds bodies together. it spaces bodies, rather than hiding within them; it is among them, their consistency, the affinity they have for one another. it is what they share in common: neither a form, nor some thing, but a rhythm, a certain way of vibrating, a resonance. frequency, tuning or tone.

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