a blog to gather our notes-on-the-go, worklogs, pics, audio,... from the work in progress on Songbook. Songbook is a project with Eric Thielemans' EARR, an art ensemble with Claron Mc Fadden (vc), Jorgen Cassier (vc), Jean-Yves Evrard (guit), Peter Jacquemyn (cntrbs), Hilary Jeffery (trmbn), Jozef Dumoulin (pn, keys) and Eric Thielemans (dr & prc). special guests for Songbook are Elke Van Campenhout (prf theoretician), Ilan Manouach (comic artist) and Geerdt Magiels (biologist, science philosopher).

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ilan's grottos for the french art anthology Frederic Magazine

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